Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Artista visual, arteira desde sempre. Amo moda, fotografia, desenho, teatro, dança. E mais tantas outras coisas, mas...Acima de tudo, amo a liberdade de ser eu mesma!!!!!


sábado, 7 de abril de 2012


Amanheci com vontade de mostrar o que encanta meus olhos!
Então, lá vai!!!

Underwater photography by one of my favorite photographers Howard Schatz

The Grand Rubenesque!

Friday, April 06th, 2012 10:53pm
In just a few days, I’m going to unveil my new curvaceous doll! Maybe tomorrow or the day after, or perhaps in thee or four, or five days….once I finish shooting her. Are you excited yet?
This is the first official shot of her, inspired by a very classical, if not cliche composition of a reclining nude, particularly Jean Ingres’s painting The Grand Odalisque. The old masters sure loved painting reclining ladies in various stages of undress, and what’s not to love here? I’m very excited to show you the rest of her.
I’d love to hear your opinions about her form.


Thanks to ArtMagick for sharing these wonderful comparative images of the new Pixar film, Brave, and a few Pre-Raphaelite and Victorian artworks!

Fonte: http://thebeautifulnecessity.blogspot.com.br/

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